Content Complaint and Appeals + Policy

All films and photography created by Bright Desire has been produced consensually and ethically. All performers are paid, sign consent forms and provide evidence that they are over 18 at the time of filming and this evidence is kept securely on file by the producers. All licensed content featured at Bright Desire is likewise documented.

Mastercard now requires all adult websites using their services to provide a content appeal process related to illegal or non-consensual content. This page exists to comply with that rule.

Performers Report Possible Illegal Or Non-Consensual Content

If you are a performer and you think that Bright Desire has used non-consensual content use this form to submit a report. Please provide details as to what content is being appealed (URL of content), provide proof that you are in the video/photos and tell us what the exact problem is with the content.

It will be responded to and investigated within 7 business days. We will review the complaint and provide evidence that the content was legally and consensually produced via documentation.

In the event that the content is found to be nonconsensual or illegal, it will be removed within those 7 business days. If all documentation is correct, the content will remain.

Note: Do not use this form for login problems, membership enquiries or any other contact issue.



    Report Possible Illegal Content

    If you you think that Bright Desire has used illegal content, use this form to submit a complaint. Please provide details as to what content is being appealed (URL of content), and why you think it is illegal.

    It will be responded to and investigated within 7 business days. We will review the complaint and, if it is credible, provide evidence to a neutral third party arbiter that the content was legally and consensually produced via documentation. We will redact all non-relevant information in this evidence to protect performer privacy.

    To further protect performer privacy and to prevent frivolous/vexatious complaints, we will not give out our documentation to the person who complains.

    In the event that the content is found to be nonconsensual or illegal, it will be removed within those 7 business days. If all documentation is correct, the content will remain.

    Please use the CCBill Content Removal Complaint Form for this type of complaint


    If you wish to appeal a content removal decision, you may contact us via the form below.

    We will review the decision and provide our documentation to a mutually-agreed neutral third-party arbiter. Again, to protect performer privacy, we will not provide the documentation to the person making the complaint.

    In the event that the content is found to be nonconsensual or illegal, it will be removed within 7 business days of the complaint being made. If all documentation is correct, the content will remain.