Porn with authentic sex can be difficult to find. Lots of people are searching for “real sex” porn in the hope of finding depictions of sex that more closely resembles the sex they’re having at home. Statistics show that these searches have increased. This suggests that people are very keen to see authentic sex in porn.
This is because mainstream pornography often relies on a series of tropes and cliches to show sex. Typically a porn scene will be from a male point of view and focus on the woman. The sex acts may be stylized or extreme and they will be performed for the benefit of the camera / viewer, not for the performers themselves. A lot of porn doesn’t show female orgasm or pleasure and plenty of it depicts the sex and performers in a negative way.
This type of porn has its place and its fans… but lots of people are over it. This is why more and more searches for “authentic sex”, “real sex” and “demure sex” are happening.

You’ve Found Authentic Sex Porn
At Bright Desire we have always aimed to present sex in a more realistic and positive way. Our porn scenes feature performers who are enthusiastic about being there and who are able to have sex in the way that works best for them. Our ethical porn scenes focus on female pleasure, consent, intimacy and fun. Our real-life couples scenes capture a lot of the knowledge and connection that typically happens when people in a relationship have sex. It’s not a stretch to say that Bright Desire features authentic sex, or real sex.

As realistic as our scenes are, they’re not exactly the same as having sex at home in bed. In order to create a porn scene, there has to be a camera. The very presence of this camera/s changes the nature of the sex; it is, by necessity, a performance as well as an experience for the people involved. They know there’s a camera and they will be aware of the presence of an audience while they’re having sex. It may have an influence on how they enjoy themselves and what they do. This is true even of porn made at home using a phone with no-one else in the room. It’s still made for an audience.
Here at Bright Desire, one of the challenges in making our porn has been how to best capture the most realistic-looking sex and how to ensure the experience is still real for those involved. The location helps so we try to make performers as comfy as possible. This means that a lot of our scenes are in bed and some are in people’s everyday bedrooms. We limit the number of people in the room so this has meant most of our scenes are shot with only two people and two cameras with on-board sound. We do our best to be as unobtrusive as possible during the scene and don’t give directions.

On top of this, almost all scenes have been performer-led. This meant they did what felt good to them at the time (consensually, and often with discussion beforehand). This meant they were able to relax, not panic about camera angles and just enjoy the moment. We’ve had performers say they forgot that we were filming or that we were there. Ultimately, this means that the end result is far more realistic and resembles the sex people authentically have by themselves.
So is it “authentic sex”? Is it “real sex”?
Well yes, it is. Even though they were being filmed, the performers still had sex. They still enjoyed themselves and had orgasms (and yes, the orgasms are all real). What you see is still an authentic, real sexual experience for all involved. It’s also a filmed performance. Both things can be true at the same time.
The point is that it is also realistic. It looks how everyday sex looks. You’re not distracted by filming methods, or unusual sex acts, or performers who may have enhanced their looks or worn shoes in bed or whatever porny thing it is that can be offputting to some. The porn at Bright Desire is the authentic sex, the real sex that people are looking for. It’s part of our mission to offer sex positive porn.
So please have a look around. Check out our preview videos and photos. You’ll see lots of people – real life couples, professional performers, amateur couples, everyday people – having sex in ways that bring them pleasure and make them happy. Which is ultimately why we have sex in the first place.
And if you like what you see, don’t forget to join!
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